Talking to A Globe Theatre Actor
Yesterday I had the honour of talking to a man who worked at the Globe Theatre as an actor about Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Over zoom, we acted out some key scenes of the play and talked about structure and origin of verses and prose. It gave me alot of insight into how structured verses and unorginised prose can help the audiance and the actor. We first talked about the difference between verse, blank verse and prose. Verse has a meter (e.g. iambic pentameter) and rhyming, whereas blank verse has a meter (almost alwas iambic in Shakespeare) but does not rhyme. The difference between blank verse and prose is that prose does not have a meter. Meter is the way certain lines are stressed, the "pent" in pentameter means five and relates to how many beats or feet there is in the line. A famous example of a verse using iambic pentameter in Romeo and Juliet is the opening prologue. The prologue is a sonnet, a 14 line poem consisting of two stanzas with an AB rhyme sc...